Lesley Choyce - April Iceberg off Bragg's Island

    The hand of God has hacked this ship
    from eaves of ice that roof the world
    and now it floats in silent strength
    reminding me of the cold, blind force
    that shapes our lives and feeds our fears.

    We row at night in boats to feel
    the new blue light of moon and ice
    beneath this cold and ancient dream
    that wants to test our own beliefs.
    It almost seems like holiness
    to stand this small beneath these cliffs,
    these vaulted walls of winter white.

    You feel the weight deep down inside
    like thunder or extinction's calm.
    Had I the heart
    I'd climb the sides
    to meet the moon
    and leave a harsh and ragged land
    to float off south to other seas
    till nothing's left but warmth
    and waves.

    Autor: Lesley Choyce
    Titulo: April Iceberg off Bragg's Island


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